Contains correspondence, pamphlets, broadsides, reports from institutions, newspaper clippings, advertisements, and portraits. Correspondents included in v. 1: John Ashburne, T. Baldock, Thomas Chandler, John Elliotson, John James, Adolphe Kiste, George Sandby, William G. Smith, Henry Storer, Chauncy H. Townshend, and Thomas Willshire; v. 2: Alexis Didier, William Gregory, George Holmes, Marcillet, W. J. Vernon; v. 3: Thomas Capern, Thomas Gardiner, Henry Marshall, I. Q. Rumball, and William G. Smith; v. 4: George H. Barth, Smith Burman, Adolphe Didier, James Esdaile, George Sandby, William John Tubbs, and W. J. Vernon. Autograph of Robert Collyer in v. 2.